Section 6: Endnotes

  • 1 This refers to whether the population size is too big or small from the perspective of scientists looking in on the ecosystem. Scientists reason that the goal of organisms is to reproduce, therefore, from the perspective of the organisms, there is no such thing as a population size that is too many or too big.
  • 2 Pickett, S. (1999, March). Everything is connected? EcoNotes Column, Taconic Newspapers, pp. A5-6.
  • 3 This story is based on an actual event reported in The New York Times, November 13, 1969. It has been retold in various places. There is a book by Pomerantz, C. (1971). The Day They Parachuted Cats on Borneo: A Drama of Ecology. Reading, MA: Young Scott Books. It has also been told by Amory Lovins, Director of Research at the Rocky Mountain Institute, Old Snowmass, Colorado.